Solve the riddle:
I am a word of 5 letters.
People eat me.
If you remove my first letter, I will be a form of energy.
If you remove my first 2 letters, I will be needed for living.
If you remove my first 3 letter, I will be a preposition.
If you remove my 4 first letters, I will be a drink.
What am I?
Below you will find a hint and the correct answer to the riddle.
Little hint:
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Hint: First letter is W.
It is used to make food and alcohol.
Right answer:
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Answer: Wheat.
If you remove first letter, you get – Heat(form of energy).
If you remove 2 first letters, you get – Eat(needed for living).
If you remove 3 first letters, you get – At(prepositon).
If you remove 4 first letters, you get – T(sounds like Tea).