We offer you an interesting logical riddle. This riddle became very popular on the Internet and caused quite a lot of controversy. In fact, the solution is quite simple and often children can cope with finding the answer much faster than adults.
So, look at this picture and try to determine:
Which way the bus is going?
Clarification: The riddle assumes that the bus is traveling straight ahead. The answer may be different, for different countries.

Look carefully at the picture, pay attention to all the details of the bus and try to find the right answer. There is no need to complicate and come up with complicated solutions, the answer is quite simple and logical.
If you still haven’t come up with the right answer, you’ll find a little hint below.
Show Hint
Hint: visualize the bus completely, from all sides, what elements of the bus are not visible in the picture? Maybe now it will be easier for you to find the answer.

Show answer
The correct answer is: The bus is moving to the left.
Explanation: In this picture we see one side of the bus with only windows and no doors, so if we imagine the other side of the bus with doors and driver’s cab, it will be clear that the bus is moving to the left. Usually the doors in buses are made on one side.

A small clarification should also be made. This answer is usually given as the most popular answer, since in most countries of the world the traffic on the roads is right-handed, but it should be clarified that for countries with left-handed traffic, such as England, Japan and Australia, the answer will be different, i.e. the bus will move to the right.