First, think of the color of the clouds – Riddle

Try to solve a popular and fun riddle. Answer without thinking, as quickly as possible, by saying the first thing that comes to mind. Most people get the first answer wrong—let’s see how well you do:

First, think of the color of the clouds.
Next, think of the color of snow.
Now, think of the color of a bright full moon.

Now answer quickly what do cows drink?

First, think of the color of the clouds. Next, think of the color of snow. Now, think of the color of a bright full moon.  Now answer quickly what do cows drink?

So, what was the very first answer that came to your mind?

It’s a joke riddle. Its purpose is to confuse you. Usually the first answer that comes to mind is not the right one.

If you take your mind off it and think about it a bit, you’ll find the right answer right away. Although the riddle is a joke, but the answer is quite serious and correct.

Little hint:

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Hint: It’s probably not the drink you named first. This liquid is more common in nature.

Right answer:

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Answer: Water.

Cows like most other animals of course drink water. As you may have guessed, the riddle is composed in such a way that you would like to answer milk, because all of the above is white and cows are associated with milk.


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