We offer you to solve a popular riddle about 5 sisters, in the same room, busy doing different things. Do not take this riddle too strictly and seriously, it is just another simple riddle, which is designed to occupy you a little and cheer you up, rather than to plunge you into deep logical thinking. If you read the condition of the task carefully, the answer will come to your mind quite quickly.
The condition of the riddle is as follows:
There are 5 sisters in a room. Ann is watching the TV, Kate is playing chess, Mary is cooking and Lisa is doing the laundry.
What is the fifth sister doing?
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Hint: One of the listed activities that the sisters are engaged in is usually done by two people.
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Answer: Fifth sister is playing chess with Kate.
So, the most popular and recognized answer to this riddle is that the fifth sister is playing chess, with one of the other sisters, since chess is usually played in pairs.
Of course, you can start nagging and say that watching TV, cooking and laundry can also be done in two, and chess can be played alone – on a computer or smartphone with artificial intelligence, but as noted above, this is just one of the popular riddles on the Internet, do not take it too seriously.