A man builds a house with all 4 sides facing south – Riddle

An interesting logic riddle about a bear and a house. The riddle is not that difficult, with a little thinking and logic, the answer can be found quite quickly. So, try to solve the riddle:

A man builds a house with all 4 sides facing south.
A bear walks past the house.

What color is the bear?

A man builds a house with all 4 sides facing south. A bear walks past the house. What color is the bear?

The answer to this riddle is quite logical, try to think about it a little.

If you still haven’t found the correct answer, you’ll find a hint below.

Show Hint

Hint: Try to determine, based on the conditions of the riddle, where on earth the house is built.

Right answer:

Show answer

Answer: The color of the bear is white.

All the walls of a house can face south, only in one case – if the house is built on the north pole. And the North Pole is known to be home to polar bears, the color of which is white.


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