Solve the riddle:
Jack is looking at Anne.
Anne is looking at George.
Jack is married, George is not, and we don’t know if Anne is married.
Is a married person looking at an unmarried person?

Take a look at the picture, perhaps it will be clearer that way and you can understand more easily.

Below you will find a hint and the correct answer to the riddle.
Little hint:
Show Hint
Hint: The answer is simple, reason logically and consider both options – if Anna is married and if she is not.
Right answer:
Show answer
Answer: Yes.
Let’s assume that Anne is unmarried. In this case, Jack, who is married, is looking at Anne, which means that a married person is looking at an unmarried person. If Anne is married and she is looking at George, then once again, a married person is looking at an unmarried person. Thus, in any case, the answer to the given question is “Yes.”